Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy July

We have made it to July and in a few days will celebrate our nations Independence Day. If this conjures up apocalyptic images with Will Smith and aliens destroying the White House, it is likely that you are just bored because we have not been assertive at keeping you updated. Mentally I have been lamenting for some time about how negligent I have been. Physically I have spent much time off the bike staring off into he stars daydreaming about how nice the blog would be if we were writing it. This daydream state though very fun and easy is not a great recipe for a successful blog. The following will be a feeble attempt to rectify the situation and resurrect the blog into the status symbol that it once was. 

Where I left you last was leaving Columbus and the wonderful home of Eric's relatives. That day we had a beautiful ride through Ohio meeting some characters along the way. We were able to stay with Jay and Andrea, along with their incredible family. We were immediately made to feel like part of the family and were treated to a pool, hot tub, and a plethora of delicious homemade food. Their family has bike toured all over the world as a family and we enjoyed hearing stories and great advice. Jay also is a craftsman who is passionate about handmade wooden bicycles. The machines are a true work of art and you can see them at We were sad to leave the next day by left full to the brim with great riding fuel. There is simply no amount of gratitude we can express that would do our stay any justice. 

The next morning we had Kentucky in our sights. We were a mere thirty miles away when a storm halted our path and forced us into a pavilion. We learned that Liz is distressed by lightning though she vehemently denies this fact much to our chagrin. Kentucky greeted us the next day as we rolled into Maysville. We dined at an Irish pub where we met a great guy named Jeff who offered his home to us. We had a great time sitting on his porch with a grand view of the Ohio river below. We chatted about Kentucky and he shared lore about folks on the other side of the river as well as some fine Kentucky beverages. 

The following morning would be our first using our cycling specific maps and it was a treat. We rode on some of the most beautiful roads we had seen. Rural Kentucky is breathtaking and the people are wonderful. The roads we were lead through had us being chased by dogs rather then noisy trucks. We had a great stay in Kincaid State Park Resort for a planned rest day. Upon our arrival we were invited for food and celebrating Kitty's birthday. Her family took us in as their own and we shared so much plenty of laughs and some great stories. We were sad to leave but the open road beckoned. 

Our first day with fresh legs would take us eighty plus miles to Madison Indiana. We had a detour due to construction and ended up riding by Kentucky speedway right as a major NASCAR event was ending. The cops were great and parted the traffic like the Red Sea allowing us to pass. They said to be cautious because everyone is intoxicated. We rode swiftly and safely to quiet roads, but not before a lovely gentleman with no teeth slurred some expletives about us getting off the road. He even held his pet bird out the window to which I flashed a giant smile and gave him a thumbs up. Upon our arrival into Madison  we were greeted by a rainstorm and a terrific couple who hosted us. Bob and his lovely wife Charlotte shared some delicious food with us and some terrific stories. They have both toured the entire country and we learned sparks flew on one special tour that finished at the Eiffel Tower. Sadly we have to leave all of the people who make our trip incredible far too soon. Currently we are having a lazy morning in Louisville, hope everyone is well. 


  1. Glad you got some time to update your blog in Louisville! It was great meeting you guys! I wish you all a very happy and successful tour. Co-ors. Not coors and doors. Co-ors.

  2. Happy forth everyone!!!
    Hope you guys get to catch some fireworks! Much love your way from VA!!!
    Zak and Nessa
