Friday, June 7, 2013

Tropical Storm Andrea

Day three: averaging 12 miles a day right now due to the storm. Thankfully, we've got this sweet, spacious, covered pavilion and a grille (the owners are fun and spunky and they've got movies for us) next to us in White's Ferry, MD (which is near Leesburg, VA). We've been waiting out this storm since yesterday evenin. Looks like we'll be spending another night here. Good news is that we're forecasted sunny skies tomorrow. Today we've organized our bags, chatted, drank a looooot of coffee, watched Beautiful Creatures at the grille, and paced back and forth. There are 14 picnic tables in this pavilion, and the 5 of us (Kevin, Mitch, Tom, and this solo biker, Ritch) have managed to take up all of them.


  1. ahhhhh so excited for you all!!!!! seriously reading the blog gets me super stoked (while you're getting super SOAKED) anyways, love to you all!!!

  2. Hahahaha Annie! Well said! So excited for you Jeanne! This looks awesome!
