Monday, June 17, 2013

Group blogging, steep hills, and Ohio.

Now, if you haven't already noticed, we'll have more authors. Kevin, Liz and I will be active bloggers, and Eric will chime in occasionally through our posts.

So, here's the scoop: last night we stealth camped at a local park. We found a pavilion to camp under, made dinner, read a book out loud to each other, relaxed, and charged our phones. Our goal today is to go 60 or 70 miles to Canton, OH. Currently, we are about 20 miles away from Ohio.

We left Pittsburgh, PA pretty late, sometime around 3 PM and got to our destination sometime around 8:30. Although we only biked 40 or 50 miles yesterday to get to our camping spot, which is a few miles outside of Beaver Falls, PA, it was rough! The hills were massive...we're taking like 20 grade, which is STEEP! Even the locals were earning us of three hills, but we managed, for the most part. After facing the hills, I became ravenously hungry and started grunting at the gas station for food like an animal (after I grubbed out I apologized to the attendant; she just laughed and said, "hey girl, you need your energy"), Kevin managed the whole hill...of course, his bike skills are beastly, Mitch was booking it up the hills but his trailer tire kept getting a flat due to the broken glass on the roads, and Liz pushed it hard for a bit but ended up walking up the hill to conserve her energy. Seriously, these hills were beastly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow! Especially with loaded touring bikes...beastly!

By the way, Pittsburgh was awesome. We all took so many pics, but it's hard to do our experience justice. We'll post those pics and a few other catch up posts and pics soon.


Pics of our camp site.

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